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MAP is a process healing method that quickly clears trauma events from the past so that you can live your best life now.
In a MAP session you are able to access unconscious memories and instruct the brain to upgrade painful and non-supportive memories. I facilitate MAP sessions using simple commands and communication with your higher consciousness. Your Superconscious guides the session to rewire your consciousness for optimal health by softening painful experiences, and to emphasize your own positive self empowering memories and beliefs.
The practitioner's role is not to influence the healing, it simply guides the superconscious mind to unleash the brain’s ability of the rewire and upgrade itself.
It is a very respectful process. You control the process with your consciousness to be safe, right and good, for optimal results.
Contact Sarah to find out more about this innovative way to heal and create change.

People are talking about results:
MAP Testimonials from clients working with Sarah.
If you are dealing with various recurring issues and would like a way to "undo" the underlying causes. without hours of trigger talk that aren't effective, I highly recommend The MAP Sessions that Sarah Lovett has been using over the past several years to help her friends and clients. I find some large issues just disappear, yet I am very much the same within - just without the triggers into stress and/or traumatic responses that lead into lots of tension in my neck spine and related muscles. Or lead to arguments and hurt feelings.
non judgmental - atmosphere of unconditional acceptance and client focus
energy release - "what was that problem anyhow?" and I let it all go
continuous study - leads to increased effectiveness in the results.
Over the past year, I have worked with Sarah on a number of issues that kept me stuck. Sarah's skills as an intuitive kept the sessions focused, productive, and successful. Her ability to communicate with Source and use Super Conscious quickly revealed the core cause of many of my issues. With Sarah's gentleness, compassion, understanding, and love many of my parts have integrated with me leaving me feeling lighter, happier, and whole. Working in partnership with Sarah has been one of my best decisions for my mental health and the peace I feel is profound.
After yesterday I am feeling so happy! The world (husband) is falling down around me and I am still happy. The sense of peace I have is quite profound. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Since working with Sarah I can honestly say my life has changed. I have noticed several trauma patterns that have healed and I no longer feel them in my body or I feel them much less intensely. I am able to now walk for hours at a time when before I could only walk for short bouts. I have also noticed my headaches have decreased. Overall, I feel more confident in myself and I am excited about my future. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone. She provides a grounded presence and is able to hold space for difficult topics.
-C, Florida
"Sarah has been instrumental in my healing journey. When I discovered MAP I was curious to see if it would be able to help me with issues that hadn’t been resolved using various healing modalities. I struggled with depression on and off my entire life. From the very first session I noticed a big shift. Suddenly, I was filled with energy and I started doing things that make me happy. MAP uncovered trauma that I would not have thought contributed to my current issues. In a very short time I became less anxious, more confident and motivated. I found my voice and regained personal power! The entire experience has been mind blowing. I love that Sarah is intuitive, it gives her insight into unraveling your trauma. I recommend working with Sarah, her goal is to create energetic shifts in each session. She is compassionate, caring and insightful. The qualities she possess is a recipe of a good healer."
Best regards,
Simona S.
"Thank you Sarah for your wonderful work and gifts. Your ability to see past lives and current life history are incredible which has helped me understand my life to this point. Through the tools you have suggested, you helped heal my close relationships and making decisions and choices in life.
I am fortunate to have worked with you and I appreciate your genuine care and concern."
Thank you,
"I've spent a lot of my life exploring healing modalities to try to ease suffering and find more fulfillment, and MAP sessions with Sarah seem to be a game changer for me. It makes me smarter in a very important way- it puts distance between me and my thoughts, emotions and patterns that I've never had before, despite working on this for a long time. I am much calmer, centered, whole and alive after just three sessions. I've had some of my highest highs as I've integrated this work. It treats things I didn't even know could be treated and is helping me make new connections. Sarah is an amazing space holder and has psychic gifts that help enrich the healing process. I would highly recommend working with Sarah on MAP and I am excited to continue to do so."
"Hi Sarah,
I am noticing some really good things after our session. First, I had an afternoon and evening yesterday where I was genuinely content and felt like I'm right where I need to be, which is rare and hasn't happened in a while for me. Second, as I was meditating today, I was able to notice all of the different personalities that would come up and steal the show, and label them. "Oh, that one likes to make sense of everything." "Oh, that one is a little girl who is afraid she is in trouble." "Oh, that one likes to pat itself on the back." I know this sounds basic, but I assure you that it is not in my known experience to have my brain be aware of these things, or observe them without becoming them. This makes me feel like I'm having a more continuous conscious experience, have more control and connection to my different parts and more understanding of what is going on inside me.
I'm excited to continue our work together. I am quite emotional today, which may be due to various factors but tells me I will probably need a little break in case it's integration."
Thanks again,
Nicole G
"Hi Sarah,
I really, really, really found my deep reading space again, which manifested last night in the student reading space. I got tons of downloads and had a ton to talk about.
I think this was an indirect result of the MAP session which directly resulted in me finding the most inspirational quote by Martha Graham. I printed it out. It really touches me on a very deep level.
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.
I can hardly wait to read again."
"Since our Map I have had a nice burst of motivation. I woke up early, 7am and handle a bunch of correspondence, tackled some research for FAC and finance management, brewed up 2 amazing ideas and now I’m applying for a position with very little hesitation. Normally I’m not as motivated and I struggle through the day trying to get me going. I feel strong a part of my regroup is due to your mapping ."
Thank you !
More about MAP
MAP is a blend of spiritual and physical processes. YOUR Superconscious is healing YOUR brain. It's YOUR expert. Mine, your practitioner, meets up with it in Source Cloud simply by our intention for the session. This is why I ask permission for the session and why the session itself feels like prayer, because we access the higher self, the part of you that is above trauma.. Your Superconscious points to where it needs to go next. Mine 'Reads that'. I am holding open the healing channel with my intention and am tuned into my Superconscious which also accesses my MAP session skill set. I muscle check to learn the current request being made or its status, and then deliver that info. Your Superconscious hears it (from your ears and my intention), and does its work in your brain, re-wiring those neurons. Sometimes tagging things to finish up later. This process restores neutrality for clarity, peace, and wisdom without destroying content or history. The method then repeats until you feel complete and neutral towards the trauma memory.
We can also use this method to enhance productivity. Because you choose with your intention, and with MAP you can clear any blocks in the way of accomplishing goals.
As a MAP practitioner I help you release the areas where issues/bad memories/traumas live, to rapidly neutralize painful emotional memories and traumas so that when they look back it will be replaced by peace and calm. I also incorporate psychic and energy work in my MAP sessions.
MAP is a blend of spiritual and physical processes. YOUR Superconscious is healing YOUR brain. It's YOUR expert. Mine, your practitioner, meets up with it in Source Cloud simply by our intention for the session. This is why I ask permission for the session and why the session itself feels like prayer, because we access the higher self, the part of you that is above trauma.. Your Superconscious points to where it needs to go next. Mine 'Reads that'. I am holding open the healing channel with my intention and am tuned into my Superconscious which also accesses my MAP session skill set. I muscle check to learn the current request being made or its status, and then deliver that info. Your Superconscious hears it (from your ears and my intention), and does its work in your brain, re-wiring those neurons. Sometimes tagging things to finish up later. This process restores neutrality for clarity, peace, and wisdom without destroying content or history. The method then repeats until you feel complete and neutral towards the trauma memory.
We can also use this method to enhance productivity. Because you choose with your intention, and with MAP you can clear any blocks in the way of accomplishing goals.
As a MAP practitioner I help you release the areas where issues/bad memories/traumas live, to rapidly neutralize painful emotional memories and traumas so that when they look back it will be replaced by peace and calm. I also incorporate psychic and energy work in my MAP sessions.